Saturday, October 3, 2009

URL Zone: New Computer Virus


You've heard of identity theft leading to an empty bank account, but thanks to a new computer virus, it's even easier to end up with a zero balance.

The latest in Trojan horse viruses is known as URL Zone, and it steals money from your bank account while you are logged into it online. The virus is so advanced; it can display a fake balance, making you think your money is still there. Experts say steer clear of trouble by deleting suspicious emails and not clicking on unknown web links. Also, check your security software.

"Update your anti-virus, update your spy ware, whatever the things you might use, try to keep it up to date if there are security problems, it'll be taken care of automatically," says Dr. Marcus Brown.

Once the URL Zone virus infects a computer, there's no way to get a clear check of your current bank balance. The only way to do so is by using an un-infected computer, or getting in touch with your bank directly via phone or in person.


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