Wednesday, November 7, 2007

You tube video: PHP Tutorial // User Registration with mySQL

Hi again, and sorry for this long delay since last post last video about PHP tutorial, but i was too busy..
i picked up this video from you tube it's from the series of the last video. take a look and watch how to make a login form in PHP and myswql my favorite language:).

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You tube video: PHP Tutorial // User Registration with mySQL

PHP Function: Keyword Extract

This is a great little php utility function is great for bloggers or for anyone looking to increase the keyword density on a site. The keyword extract function searches through a text string filtering out punctuation and common words to return a list of your most commonly used words. Links are then generated to search for these keyword possibilities on Google and to get keyword suggestions from Wordpot.

let's go deeply and explore this function:
  1. download this zip file that contain the script.
  2. you can edit it with any PHP editor you want, for me i use notepad++ or PHP designer 2007.
  3. open the file with the editor:
  4. you will find a comment block telling you how to use this script. for us we will talk about how it works.
  5. the name of our function is "keyword_extract" it takes a variable $text that contain the text you want to extract keywords from it.
  6. First line is used to convert the text lowercase state.
  7. the 2 next lines declare a string that contain all punctuations and explode them using the explode function.
  8. a foreach loop used to replace each punctuation exploded before with a space character so it will not affect the result.
  9. declare a $commonWords variable that contain all the common words like "that,this,.." that we will not use in keywords.
  10. than a block of code used to compare the words available in the text to the common words if it's one of it it will not be counted and will be dumped. if it's not a common word it will be counted.
  11. each word that is counted more than 3 times, it will be used as a keyword, in the $keyword array.
  12. from line 89 to line 97:
    1. first line declare an array and give it array_count_values($keywords) that will take a count for each word in the keywords array.
    2. arsort($keywords): will sort the array with the index next to it. (count)
    3. foreach loop will output the result in a clear format. each keyword repeated more than 3 times, will be counted as keyword.
    4. the output give you the ability to show each keyword how much is repeated in GOOGLE and wordpot.
at the end there is an example you need to comment it in so you can use the function.

so be happy and enjoy the script :)

download here


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

STATISTICS of developpers blog for AUGUST 2007

Hi again.
i will show you statistics from the birth of Developpers Blog (February 2007) till August.

This is the map overlay showing the visitors distribution around the world


Friday, August 31, 2007


hi, i am happy to announce you the launch of DEVELOPPERS BLOG TOOLBAR...
it 100% free no spam no malware, it's developed by and customized by me.

this is list of DOES NOT:
DOES NOT spy on your browsing habits.

DOES NOT launch pop-up or pop-under advertisements. Our business model is based on displaying sponsored links on search results pages (advertisers pay per click, not per appearance).

DOES NOT "hijack" your searches.

DOES NOT modify pages you visit.

DOES NOT block uninstallation. Our toolbar can be removed in seconds by using a standard uninstaller.

DOES NOT create security holes: The toolbar will not make it easier for other people or programs to access your computer.

DOES NOT and will not sell or rent your email address and other personal information.

it' has:
  • popup blocker
  • weather report for the city you live in
  • email notifier
  • search the web, or Developpers blog
  • RSS reader for Developpers blog and Yahoo technology news
  • and much more....

whay this toolbar?!
it's helps you stay connected with our news and posts.

come now and download it from here or from banner that said "ACCELERATE YOUR SEARCH" the right side panel of the blog


Thursday, August 16, 2007

STATTISTICS of Developpers Blog from FEB 2007 - JUL 2007

Hi again.
Well i have to busy to make these kind of post but from now on i will make monthly statistics of Developpers Blog.
For now i will show you statistics from the birth of Developpers Blog (February 2007) till last month.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How to make a CD cover from paper

If you ever get stuck without a cd cover, all you need is an A4 piece of paper and you're set.


Monday, August 6, 2007

PHP Designer 2007 - incredible tool for web developement

Hi again,
it's been a long time since last post, but i was too busy at my work, i have just finished the project i was working on.. i will post the link of the website soon....

so today i brought to you a very helpful tool.
PHP Designer 2007
as the name said: PHP designer.
if you want to develop a web page using PHP server technology. i think you will find difficulty using notepad, or frontpage even the last version of it, since these tools don't include an IDE for PHP.
but PHP designer has the solution.. it has an IDE for PHP, CSS, HTML... you will not need another tool or software beside it, maybe you will find difficulty to draw tables in it. but it has it's own tools. you should make a try.
you can visit the site to buy it.


Monday, June 25, 2007

NOTEPAD++ a cool tool for developers

hi again..
today i brought to you a free open source tool for developers. it's compatible with all developing languages.
  • lite
  • very easy to use
  • clean
  • very helpful
  • takes low resources from memory
  • and have all API for programing languages.

this tool is designed and developed by
to download it click here:
Download Page

Saturday, June 16, 2007

PHP and mysql databse episode I

Hi again, sorry for the delay for blogging code especially in this very lovely language. PHP..

So every beginner in php want to know how he can connect to a mysql server and retrieve data from the database and present it in his webpage.

In this lesson I will present the first portion of this ..

HOW to connect to the database.

Before you copy the code.. you have to know that the code below needs to have some changes before that can work correctly..

So you have to change the values of the variables (connection parameters: servername, databasename, user, password)..

After running the script you will got a message saying that the connection has been attempted..

If you got anything else, then you have an error somewhere. If you need my help, comment out here. And I will help soon..

//this code is presented by Developpers Blog.. Http://

//it's this very simple way to connect to a database

//all what you need is to change the variables values with correct values.

//list of variables, you may need to change the values between quotations

$host = "localhost";

$database = "mydatabase";

$user = "user";

$pass = "password";

//try to keep this lines without changes, only if you know what you are doing.

//you can change the text between quotation if you want

$conn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or

if ($conn){

$selectdb = mysql_select_db($databse);


echo "Connection attempted";


echo"Can't connect to the databse. please contact the system administrator.";




echo "Can't connect to the server..please contact the system administrator.";



you can download the .php file from these links below:

Download link 1
Download link 2

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


That’s just for fun.. it’s a remake of the previous video..
but this time is with windows vista .. WOWWW

watch it it's funny..

Monday, June 4, 2007

Bill Gates And WinME ... BLUE SCREEN!!!!!!

hi i know this an old video but i think it's old.. but it's nice to bookmart it.

whatch it you will laugh:))

so what do you think??;)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

ionFiles Arabic (download manager) Joomla component

Hi, i was searching the joomla components for a download manager for my site. i found this component it's realy very simple and very clean in front of other download managers for joomla. i recommend it for simple sites. i didn't try it for big downloads.
you can find the original component at these links:

joomla extensions ionFiles

component site

and if you want an arabic version, i translated it and make simple modifications:

wish you will like. for me i love it :)

Monday, April 2, 2007

Google the number 1 best place to work!!!

watch this i am sure you will love to work at this company.. or maybe you wish that your company treat its employees like Google... or if it's hard dream maybe someday you will have a company and try to do like Google.. :)

Friday, March 30, 2007

World's Smallest Windows PC by OQO

Irina Slutsky and Eddie Codel stop by the San Francisco offices of OQO, makers of the smallest Windows Vista capable PC. Nick Merz, director of design and a founder of OQO, shows us the new model 02 which was just released at CES last week. Weighing in at one pound, OQO's model 02 packs a knockout set of features for the urban road warrior or mobile business executive. We've seen the future and it is a high performance PC that fits in the palm of your hand and keeps you connected anywhere.


iPhone: Product of the Year?

Apple CEO Steve Jobs delivered one of his most dazzling MacWorld keynotes as he unveiled Apple's new iPhone. The device uses a patented touch screen system called multi-touch. Cisco, which owns the iPhone name, says it expects to close a deal with Apple on some sort of trademark royalty for the moniker. In this podcast Jobs introduces the device, which is combination of iPod, phone and Internet device. Price points are $499 for a 4 gig model and $599 for an 8 gig.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

VBA code: how to insert a value in a combo box that is not in list?!!

every beginners access developers have a problem when they want to insert a new value in a combo box. that is created by "lookup wizard" or it's a foreign key and contain bound column that is generally number (hidden one) and a second column that usually a text (visible one).
so when u try to insert a new value. you will got this horrible message:

do you remember itt??!!
now this is your solution:

1- go to the properties of the combobox in design view..
2- click on the events tab..
3- and double click On Not in List.
4- you will go to the VB window.
5- insert this code:

Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Msg As String

'Exit this sub if the combo box is cleared
If NewData = "" Then Exit Sub

'msg will apppear to the user asking him what he want to do?
'change the text if you want.
Msg = "'" & NewData & "' is not currently in the list." & vbCr & vbCr
Msg = Msg & "Do you want to add it?"

i = MsgBox(Msg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Unknown Book Category...")
If i = vbYes Then
'Change the "table" and the "field" in strSQL
strSQL = "Insert Into table([field]) " & _
"values (' " & NewData & " ');"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Alrayya Store Opening


Your welcome to visit my store at FSC store club.
you can find useful stuff there
try it..


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Subnet calculator

hi guys.. i found this gadget at google gadget

it's subnet calculator u can use it for your network usage:

click on this link  you can add it to your site

if you like to preview it scroll down to the bottom of this page yyou will find a sample

it's cool ye?!

let's take a break and watch this funny video!!:)

let's take a break and watch this video..

it's really very funny. see what will hapen with this couple :)



javascript tutorial:Building a Minesweeper-type game

i found it a website and i liked the idea. i think you will like it, i didn't try it yet.
let's do it guys try it and tell me what you think

just follow the link:
Minesweeper-type game

Friday, February 9, 2007

Google Analytics

 Did you try it?
i am realy impressed about Google Analytics.
it 's realy helpful for your site.
Try it if you have a website and you need to track your visitors:
What is Google Analytics, wel this block is from Google Analytics home page:

Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. Focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visitors.
for more info go to your google account and press Analytics.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

code javascript: Bookmark Us

this is code i used it to make bookmark us link:

try it it's very helpful

It's text File just copy and edit the following the instructions in the file:

Make your comment To Improve

Welcome again.
Developpers Blog will thank you for your comments and experience that you will share with us after commenting on my posts.
Best regards

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Welcome to Developpers Blog

Developpers Blog is a new blog site that i will try to make it helpful for all developpers to find what they need.
i hope that Developpers Blog will help you.
keep in visit us.