Sunday, April 3, 2016

Create your own sync script with Powershell

In order to achieve your goal, you need a software or you can use freeware, or you need tiny small script for just do the needed job. So powershell is your tool.
let’s assume Source folder is  c:\source and and Target folder is D:\target
  1. open powershell ISE (in order to save the file for later use) and write:

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Workstation Service not present !!!

if you are trying to join a pc to domain and u see that the domain name and workgroup are disabled...
that's because the worksation service is not available or not started.
if not started try to start it.
if not available check the following solution:

Before doing anything, try running the network setup wizard. It might activate or install any missing services or files.

Still not working? Try importing this registry key.

Importing the above registry key should add the service back to the list of services. If its still not working it might be becasyse 1 or more of the files needed are missing or corrupt. Search your computer for "wkssvc.dll" to see if it exists.

Try, extracting it from the cd using SFC. Path should be c:\windows\system32.

If it still doesn't work try running SFC /scannow

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Best Online Cloud Apps builder for Android Review

I am searching for the best apps builder online, currently i found

For now it's seems ok i tested with one easy app. It inlcudes many type of pages and categories  and direct simulator. wish to be more effective and better designs.

Another one

AppyPie which build for you any application type
it has very good designs and easier friendly interface for your application and developement screens
i am waiting the applications to be built and i will review the results.
I will keep updating this post and i welcome you're opinions and your search result to be posted

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

how to force windows to automatically logon to a specific username

To force windows to automatically logon you can perform one of the following ways:

1. From control userpasswords2 command- Windows XP: 1. Click Start, click Run, and type control userpasswords2. 2. Uncheck the "Users must enter a username and password to use this computer" check box. Click Apply. 3. Enter the user name and password you wish to automatically log on with, and then click OK. Click OK again and you're all done.

2. From NETPLWIZ command- Windows Vista 1. Click the Start button, type netplwiz in the search box, and then press enter. 2. Uncheck Users should enter a username and password to use this computer, and then press OK 3. Type the username and password for the user you want to automatically logon to Windows Vista when it boots up and press OK

3. Modifying Winlogon registry values: 1. Start> Run> and type “regedit” then hit enter 2. Locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon 3. In that key there are four values that are important:

AutoAdminLogon - A string value. Yes a string value. That is set to 0 or 1. If the value is 1, then the next time windows boots it will attempt to login with the credentials provided in the values shown below.

DefaultUserName - Username used to automatically login with.

DefaultPassword - Password used to automatically login with. Careful here. This is left in the registry unencrypted and easily read by anyone with an administrator account

DefaultDomainName - The domain name used when automatically logging in. Set to the name of the current computer name if the machine is not joined to a domain.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Enhance your blog with Apture and Zemanta tools

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Adding rich multimedia content to your blog posts is a powerful way to attract more readers. Recently we have found two products known as Apture and Zemanta Balloons in the market which lets you fill pop-ups with all kinds of multimedia content in your blog. Let’s have a look at them.


Apture will allow you to integrate third party content like text, images, videos, music, maps and references from more than 50 sources such as YouTube, Flickr, Google etc and keep your visitors on your blog, instead of sending them away. It is free and easy to install on your blog.

With Apture, you can embed high resolution videos from YouTube or upload your own content like Images, PowerPoint presentations, PDF or Word documents, or Excel Spreadsheets to your blog.


Zemanta is a semantic web company that’s used by bloggers to add related links to their posts all over the web. Recently it has announced the launch of their “Balloons” service which will allow any blogger or online publisher to integrate multimedia content into their pages. It looks like an Apture word press plug-in but it is open source, semantically smart and standards-based.

With Zemanta Balloons, bloggers and publishers can access database and content from trusted sources such as YouTube, Google and MusicBrainz to allow your readers to access information without having to sign -in to the external sites.